Thoughts for 2023

Scott C. Bolick
2 min readJan 27, 2023

As we head into 2023, three thoughts keep bouncing around my head. They clearly want out so here they are.

First, we live in a world that tends to focus on the bad, the evil, the disaster. It exists. It sells. This past year has shown us the necessity to watch and defeat evil. However, our focus is almost singularly on the bad. This singularity threatens to drag us all down into darkness and depression. It is not necessary. There is so much goodness and beauty in this world. It is all around us. It must be discovered, embraced, and nurtured. Let’s dedicate ourselves to growing the good.

Second, we run towards labels. We love to wear labels. They are positive in so many ways. They are sources of pride. They help secure rights. But when we embrace labels too tightly, we become the label rather than ourselves. We lose our individuality, and we divide ourselves. So I encourage everyone to wear labels lightly.

Finally, we tend to look for absolutes and beat ourselves up when we fall short of our ideals. We fret the missed work out, the dollar not saved, the extra piece of cake eaten, the accidental slight, the dent in the car, the late deliverable, the help not provided, the email not sent, etc. We fret so much, so often. We then judge ourselves — and worse we judge others. Instead of absolutes, we should wake up every day with the memory of a goldfish and then try to be just a little bit better. The little bits stack up quickly. They move us closer to any ideal than a pure pursuit of the ideal will ever get us.

Forward to 2023! Forward to a better world!


